03/02/2013 in Videos, Yikes! | Permalink | Comments (2)
Tags: advice, banged, banging, girls, Joe Biden, shotguns, video, women
02/02/2013 in My head is going to explode!, The Zipster©, Think about it, Yikes! | Permalink | Comments (3)
Tags: typical Democrat voter
01/21/2013 in Videos, Yikes! | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: John Boehner, lolobama, Michelle Obama, rolls eyes, table manners
09/19/2012 in Personal, Yikes! | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Charlie Hebdo cartoons, English captions, Mohammed, translation
04/22/2012 in Fun Stuff, nope, Yikes! | Permalink | Comments (9)
Tags: Art car, bones, decorated, Element, Honda, horns, ugliest car in the world
08/30/2011 in NEWS-2011, Science, Something 'fishy', Videos, Web/Tech, Yikes! | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Crave Duet, sexual aid, USB, vibrator, video
07/23/2011 in NEWS-2011, NOTA, Yikes! | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Anders Behring Breivik, muslim victims, Norway, restorative justice
" I do not know if the country can survive another four years of Barack Obama, and frankly, I want nothing to do with helping us find out. The man is an incompetent. The man is a tool of the extreme far left that has utterly corrupted the Democratic Party. The man and those now closest to him in the administration appear to abhor America’s history. They detest anyone who does not fully subscribe to their positions. They are corrupt, they are increasingly paranoid, and they are taking this country down a path by which we may never recover." - The Ulsterman Interviews
If you have not heard of these, I am not surprised. The interviewer writes for 'NewsFlavor' and I've only seen it referenced at Lucianne. The person being interviewed is purported to be a very highly-placed Whitehouse insider akin to infamous Deep Throat of the Watergate ere. It could be a hoax, but it has the ring of being genuine and that makes the interviews all the more terrifying. The snippet above is from the middle of the latest interview. I suggest you do some reading ... while there's still time.
10/30/2010 in FORUM, NEWS - 2010, NOTA, Something 'fishy', Special Report, Think about it, Yikes! | Permalink | Comments (2)
Tags: The Ulsterman Interviews
From the article ...
Just what was her 'intent', then?
08/26/2010 in NEWS - 2010, Videos, Yikes! | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: ad, akbar, alluha, Australia, beer, commercial, fosters, fubar, funny, neon, sign, terrorism, video, xrated, XXX
I used to be a commercial fisherman - from San Diego along the Pacific Coast all the way until I really could see Russia from there. Did that for ten long years. All kinds of fish and other cash species. Let me tell you a story - it is not a 'fish story'. It is all too true.
I was on a 75' trawler out of Coos Bay dragging for sole. Sole is a flatfish with eyes on one side and very delicate. It's real thin and the stocks of sizeable fish are long gone - unless you get lucky. Mostly you catch Dover sole less than 12" and English sole even smaller. Lots of turbot but you pretty much have to give those away - not worth the ice.
It was slow, nice day, though. Just enough cloud cover so the fish slime wouldn't get sticky. Fish, especially thin flat fish, won't move anywhere if it's hot and sunny. They stick to everything like wet toilet paper. We'd just drug up the net. Before the net popped up you could smell it.
It smelled like gasoline/petroleum. It reeked of it. When the net popped we saw why - our meager catch of maybe a thousand pounds had a 55 gallon barrel in it and it was leaking thick, black ugly all over the sole. It was labeled in Russian but the word BENZINE stuck out. Gawd, it stank. If a fisherman tells you it stinks - it stinks. This stunk.
We pulled the pucker string and dropped the catch on the deck, including that drum, still oozing goo. The entire catch was ruined. The fish were covered in black ooze. Most of 'em were ripped to hell from dancing around with that barrel for an hour on the bottom. I naturally assumed we'd just shovel 'em back over.
As I started to do just that, the skipper came flying out of the wheelhouse yelling - 'What the fuck are you DOING?' 'We're keepin' those'. I asked him what in THE hell should we do about the %&$^#@ smell. He said, 'Just get rid of the drum' and "wash them".
Wash them. How - in the name of all that is holy - do you 'wash' a bunch of fish? I am glad you asked and the reason I am writing this now. He grabbed a bottle, an industrial-sized bottle, of Dawn - the dish washing detergent. He squirted it all over the fish and stirred that mess with a big broom. Then he rinsed. The smell was not gone.
To employ a common idiom he 'rinsed and repeated'. Several times. All the while the fish were soaking it all up and they still stunk to high high heaven. His solution? Clorox. Bleach. Poured a whole gallon on that mashed up macerated mess o' fish and rinsed. It still stank - but it was 'good enough' for him. We dropped it down the 'hold' and iced it all up and spent another 5 days fishing.
By the time we got back to the dock to sell that crap - the whole godamned boat reeked of petroleum. But the buyer bought it. And processed it. And trucked it to some warehouse somewhere. Where it stayed for another week or so until it made its way to your local supermarket shelf.
Sooo, I was reminded of that when I read this.
08/09/2010 in NEWS - 2010, NOTA, Phoenix, Something 'fishy', Yikes! | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: FDA, fish, fish story, Gulf of Mexico, liar, regulations, smell test