04/06/2012 in NEWS-2012, NOTA, Videos | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: barack obama, campaign ad, recycled speeches, RNC, same, same tired rhetoric, video, words
I have maintained since Obama's election that the Left will never give up power without a fight. I have always said it may come down to our active military to force them out of power. Nothing has happened to change my mind, in fact, I grow ever more convinced that Zippy & Co will suspend elections, declare martial law or otherwise usurp power by whatever manner necessary to remain in power - they will stop at nothing.
Seems there is dissent among the ranks - good - this scourge must be removed at any and all cost.
03/21/2012 in NEWS-2012, NOTA | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: chain of command, dissent, Facebook page, Marine Corps, Marine Times, NCO, obama, Stein, UCMJ, unlawful order
03/09/2012 in NEWS-2012, NOTA, Videos | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Bill Maher, donation, give back the money, obama, PAC, return, shepac, video
02/29/2012 in NEWS-2012, NOTA | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: abortion, baby killers, ethical, infanticide, Oxford, post natal abortion
02/15/2012 in NEWS-2012, NOTA, Think about it | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: black power, fight the man, fist in the air, new black panthers, obama, power to the people, salute
02/10/2012 in Dreamobiles, Humor, NEWS-2012, NOTA, Videos | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: ad, Chevy, commercial, funny, parody, satire, video, Volt
02/09/2012 in NEWS-2012, NOTA, Videos | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: internet troll on video, online
Zippy lauched 'Black-Americans for Obama' today - I want to launch another group.
Would that be racist? Does the missing hypen change anything?
See the post below for my sentiments.
02/02/2012 in NEWS-2012, NOTA, Something 'fishy', Think about it | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: against, blacks, for, obama, racism, racist, whites