Instead of putting crony donor solar panels on everyone's roof ...
... we could install steel fire doors in all classrooms that are locked from the inside 24/7.
And hire vets and retired cops to be stationed in our schools.
Is that too simple?
Instead of putting crony donor solar panels on everyone's roof ...
... we could install steel fire doors in all classrooms that are locked from the inside 24/7.
And hire vets and retired cops to be stationed in our schools.
Is that too simple?
12/15/2012 in Inside Steel's Brain, Personal | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Adam Lanza, Connecticut, cops, massacre, Newtown, security, shooting, solution
You don't know me, but I probably represent most of your 'base'.
Here is what I want.
Pick Marco Rubio. Yes, he shines better than you, but if you pick him, you will win.
Not only will you win, you will become an 'old sage' of the GOP.
Picking someone who might outshine you demonstrates wisdom and self confidence.
Picking anyone else will lose you the election.
Put the country before your ego.
You and Rubio could save this country.
You and anyone else will leave us with Barack Obama.
Steel Turman
07/25/2012 in Inside Steel's Brain | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, VEEP, vice president
06/29/2012 in Inside Steel's Brain, Think about it | Permalink | Comments (2)
Tags: Chief Justice John Roberts, commerce clause, mandate, obamacare, penalty, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, tax
Cory Booker was a Rhodes Scholar.
So was Bill Clinton.
We don't know anything about The Zipster's© scholastic record.
I'll spot him 500 on the SAT's.
Barack Obama is a dunce.
He uses a teleprompter well and nothing else.
He is a performance artist.
06/09/2012 in Inside Steel's Brain, The Zipster©, Think about it | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: barack obama, Bill Clinton, college, Cory Booker, grades, IQ, SAT's, school records, transcripts
Sooo, the total eclipse, here in Reno, was spectacular. It lasted longer than all the others I've seen. Above is what the Sun looked like from my desk chair out the window just as it began. At 4:30 you can just barely see the Moon's shadow touch the Sun.
Then the cloud came in. The cloud stayed there until just after the event. I have Photoshopped what the eclipse would have looked liked had the cloud not been there - that image is below the fold.
05/20/2012 in Fun Stuff, Inside Steel's Brain, NEWS-2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: image, Nevada, penumbra, photo, Reno, Sun, total eclipse
05/01/2012 in Inside Steel's Brain, NEWS-2012 | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: Afghanistan, animation, narcissistic, narcissus, obama, podium, speech, The Zipster©
I made this over two years ago - nothing has changed.
The original is a gif animation and is below the fold.
04/29/2012 in Inside Steel's Brain | Permalink | Comments (0)
This post asks a damned good question, I will answer.
As a life long atheist, I am outraged by this assault on religious freedom.
It is an issue worth dying for, as so many have done before, and I will offer up my own to stop it.
That plain enough?
02/09/2012 in Inside Steel's Brain, NEWS-2012, Think about it | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: atheist, care, Catholic Church, contraception, health, mandate, obama
01/15/2012 in Glenn, Inside Steel's Brain, NOTA | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: accident, crash, creek, in the ditch, pilot car, river, wreck
11/02/2011 in Inside Steel's Brain, Think about it | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: Herman Cain