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Nota BANNER 700w
  Okay, it's time for the 'official announcement'. With the help of my sister, I have created a new place to post. It's called 'None of the above' and is contained within a 'forum' framework. But it isn't really a 'forum' - it's much much more. The format lets me post things that would slow the load on this site to a crawl - videos, large animations etc without slowing things down at all. All that shows on loading is a typical forum 'board', albeit, far cleaner and  sanitary, with a list of recent posts, the 'freshness' of those posts (last commented) and the number of comments to that post. It also gives a location for them. It is very fast and devoid of the usual trappings one encounters with blogs - ads, banners, navigation buttons and such, images, blogrolls, in short - it is sanitary. It is also very easy on the eyes - nothing glares or blares, blinks or winks. Behind that quiet and soft facade lurks something else entirely.

  Those of you who have been with me for any length of time know I enjoy many things other than politics - art, history, humor, cooking, wordplay and who knows what all else. But I have always winced a bit when I posted such things on an ostensibly 'political' blog. I enjoy creating - especially animated images, collages, slideshows and plain old 'art'. It is that which gives me pleasure - writing about current events is something I am compelled to do. Were it not for the ability to express myself in that arena, I would go slowly insane. Until now, I simply tossed it all up onto this place and begged your indulgence. To my mind, doing so not only diluted my thoughts re current events, news and politics - it distracted negatively. It also made things more difficult physically by slowing things down and discouraging potential readers.

  The new place - - addresses all that and more. Because the software is so simple and easy, I am less distracted myself and can focus on the actual content. Now, I still have plenty to say about the current state of affairs in politics, culture and society and say it. I will continue to say it here and there. But what I post here will be specifically things which fall into the category of 'conservative political opinion' - what I have to say about that as unworthy or insignificant as it may be. I will continue to create and post images which illustrate those thoughts here. If I make something that might be entertaining or useful for other conservatives, I'll post it here. If something comes up that relates directly to the 'blogosphere' it will be posted here - although blogospherics has never really interested me. And until the new place starts getting the traffic - if something demands the largest airing - it will be here I post it.

Everything else and there is a whole new world of it - will be posted over there.

The registration is very fast, simple and easy and I will assist in any way.

Come see what I am talking about and have some fun!


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