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Hmmm ...



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» Lunch: 9/13/2005 from basil's blog
Try one of these specials with your lunch: William Teach got buzzed while watching the confirmation hearings. Ogre still isn't sure about Roberts. Stop the ACLU! reports ACLU whining over Roberts. Public Eye (Bachman version) reports Roberts is a two-f... [Read More]

» Lunch: 9/13/2005 from basil's blog
Try one of these specials with your lunch: William Teach got buzzed while watching the confirmation hearings. Ogre still isn't sure about Roberts. Stop the ACLU! reports ACLU whining over Roberts. Public Eye (Bachman version) reports Roberts is a two-f... [Read More]


Brilliant. Just brilliant.

And boy, does the footage of those people flying all those dogs to LA to find homes and veterinary care make me feel good. Saving the animals is just the best thing. I cried a bunch at first watching all the human misery, and then I wore out with compassion fatigue. Then, last night, I boohooed all over again watching a group of people talking about rescuing pets. They showed pictures of the rescue and then showed pictures of helpers carrying clean, shiny dogs off the plane. The dogs were wiggly and happy. That about did me in.

Then this post you have about those kids in the cages.

I'm worn out by sadness. This world needs some good news. Even the good news about the dogs made me sad. :(

Okay, I'll find some good news but NEXT time ... you can keep those french fries and give ME the hamburger.

Steal, I luv frinch fryes becos they ar vera saltee an whin I eet thim I drink lots of wader an peewee ina howse. Kin I com tew visit yew? I et sum lettis. An a pikel.

Frum Fergus.

a hoot!

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