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Justice? Justice!

                                  Citizens Do Justice

   In a small town in central Mexico, a man killed his wife, his infant nephew and 10 other villagers. Residents say he was high on drugs. Residents hacked him to pieces in the town square with machetes. Police were unable to stop the execution.

   Hmmm ... sounds good to me. No 'Miranda rights' read. No long trial employing who knows how many lawyers, no TV coverage of the trial with little sketches of participants rendered in water color, no talking heads discussing the 'issues', no panels of pundits positing positions per political proclivities ... nope ... just a bad hombre gone.

                               I'd call that JUSTICE ... wouldn't you?


   Former Soldier Goes on Killing Spree in Southern Mexico

By Natalia Parra

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) - A former soldier killed his wife, infant nephew and a police officer in a vicious rampage that left 10 people dead before being wounded by police and killed by an angry crowd in southern Mexico, authorities said Sunday.

Oscar Flores, 35, killed his wife and nephew with a knife on Sunday morning before commandeering an assault rifle from a police officer for a shooting spree on the streets of San Jeronimo de Juarez, about 185 miles (300 kilometers) southwest of Mexico City, said Julio Lopez, the town's deputy police chief.

Municipal police shot Flores in the abdomen on town's central square before machete wielding residents attacked and killed the man.

"Apparently he was under the affects of drugs," Lopez said. "With a knife he killed his wife and his nephew Humberto Flores Ruiz, 11-months old, whose throat he slit."

Municipal police said they were overwhelmed by angry residents and could not possibly have saved Flores. Federal highway police arrived after the killing was over.

Two other children were among nine people immediately killed by Flores, after he used a stone and knife to overpowered and kill the policeman.

One of three people severely injured in the attack later died.

Located halfway between the Pacific resorts of Acapulco and Zihuatanejo, San Jeronimo is known as bucolic village with very low crime rates.

But it's also the home town of legendary Mexican bank robbery Alfredo Rios Galeana, who was arrested outside Los Angeles last month after nearly 20 years on the run and deported to Mexico.



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Sorry ... I had to go 'p'.

Not the first time this has happend in Southern Mexico. The little villages down there have "village justice". You had best HOPE the cops get you before the village does.

Make my day.

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